geranium robertianum การใช้
- "Geranium robertianum " is common throughout Great Britain and Ireland in woodland, hedgerows, scree and maritime shingle.
- When naturalised in the Pacific Northwest, it is often seen in association with the related European plant, herb Robert ( " Geranium robertianum " ), also classified as a noxious weed.
- Commonly seen plants on the island include : " Valeriana sambucifolia, Geranium sanguineum, Geranium robertianum, Lotus corniculatus, Sedum acre, Hylotelephium maximum, Silene vulgaris, Silene uniflora, Potentilla erecta ", and others.
- The Slough Burn still rises from the marshy area below the Broadhirst Woods, however the limestone quarry that served the limekilns is now abandoned, surviving as an area rich in wildlife, containing old woodland indicator plants such as Wood Anemone ( Anemone nemorosa ), Bluebell ( Hyacinthoides non-scripta ), Wood Sorrel ( Oxalis acetosella ), Dog's Mercury ( Mercurialis perennis ), Herb Robert ( Geranium robertianum ) and other species.